Wellness Resources
Alberta Retired Teachers' Association
Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network
Canadian Alliance for Children's Grief
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Canadian Assocation for Research on Work and Health
Canadian Association for Spiritual Care
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health
Canadian Association of Bioenergetic Wellness
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Canadian Foundation for Animal Assisted Support Services
Canadian Health Food Association
Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
Canadian Men's Health Foundation
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian National Autism Foundation
Canadian Public Health Association
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada
Chartered Professionnal Accountants of Canada
Children's Grief Foundation of Canada
Community Mental Wellness Association of Canada
Compassionate Friends - Ottawa
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - wellness programs
First Nations Health Authority
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada
Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health
Institute of Gender and Health
Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes
Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa-Carleton
Live Work Well Research Centre - University of Guelph
Menopause Foundation of Canada
Mood Disorders Assocation of Ontario
Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Services Health & Safety Association
Supporting Neurodiversity in the workplace
Reports-Statistics-Fact Sheets-Infographics-Surveys
Autism Spectrum Disorder in children and youth: information for families
Blueprint for a national self-care strategy
Canadian index of wellbeing national report
Canadian Financial Literacy Database
Canadian social survey: loneliness in Canada
Cannabis: what parents/guardians and caregivers need to know
Conversations on mental health
Diabetes fact sheet
Emotional wellness fact sheet
Emotional intellingence research report
Environmental wellness fact sheet
Fact sheet on adult ADHD assessment
Family caregiving mental health support guidelines
Financial wellbeing in Canada: survey results
Financial wellbeing index™ report
Financial Wellness Fact Sheet
Future of Well-being
Grief in adults fact sheet
Health characteristics - annual estimates
Health of LGBTQIA2 Communities in Canada Report
Health statistics
Hopefulness is declining across Canada
How healthy are Canadians?
How healthy are people in Canada - an indicators dashboard
Infographic: Canadian blueberries, from farm to fork
Infographic: Canadian eggs, from farm to fork
Infographic: climate change statistics
Infographic: cyberbullying among youth
Infographic: driver distraction
Infographic: farming mental health in Canada
Infographic: fatigue and work
Infographic: measuring disability in Canada
Infographic: online safety in Canada
Infographic: positive mental health of youth
Infographic: poverty dashboard
Infographic: preparing for weather-related emergencies in Canada
Infographic: safe lifting
Infographic: safety tips for working outdoors in the sun and extreme heat
Infographic: sitting at work
Infographic: supporting employees to disconnect from work
Infographic: why your employees' financial well-being matters
Infographic: women's risks and symptoms of heart disease
Infographic: working in the cold
Infographic: working in the heat
Intellectual (Mental) Wellness Fact Sheet
Measuring what matters: toward a quality of life strategy for Canada
Mental health index
Mental illness and addiction: facts and statistics
Mental health and mental illness facts
Moving forward on well-being (quality of life) measures in Canada
Occupational wellness fact sheet
Opening Minds
Pension and benefits statistics
Physical activity: key statistics and facts
Physical wellness fact sheet
Psychological health and safety in the workplace report
Psychology works fact sheets
- addictions
- anxiety
- austism spectrum disorder
- career
- chronic illness
- dementia
- developmental orders
- eating disorders
- elimination disorders
- emergencies, disasters and violent events
- epilepsy
- gender diversity
- grieving
- healthy living
- learning disabilities
- mood disorders
- pain
- palliative care
- personality
- psychosis
- racism
- sexual disorders
- sleep disorders
- social and family relationships
- stress
- suicide
- trauma
- workplace
Quality of life statistics program
Sense of meaning and purpose in Canada
Social connections among persons with and without mental health-related disabilities
Social wellness fact sheet
Spiritual wellness fact sheet
Ways to practice self-care
Younger Canadians experience lower perceived well-being: insights form the Canadian Social Survey
Youth mental health stats in Canada
2SLGBTQI+ Terminology
Addiction - an information guide
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
Alone in Canada - a self-help guide for single newscomers
Anxiety disorders - an information guide
Assaulted women's helpline
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder resources
Autism health and wellness resources
Back pain prevention guide
Bank accounts comparison tools
Be Safe App
Bell Let's Talk - tools and resources
Benefits and credits toolkit
Benefits wayfinder
Benefits of physical activity
Bipolar disorder - an information guide
Borderline personality disorder - an information guide
Budget planner
Budgeting and saving toolkit
Canada's food guide
Cannabis & your health
Caregiver guide: caring for older adults
Carco disability strategies
Cognitive-behavioural therapy - an information guide
Comprehensive guide to free mental health and wellness resources
Coping with grief and loss
Creating a healthier life - guide to wellness
Dealing with Debt
Depression - an information guide
Diabetes type 2 prevention guide
Do you know...cannabis
Do you know...cocaine
Do you know...tobacco
Do you know...methadone
Do you know...prescription opioids
Dual diagnosis - an information guide
Emergency Ready in Canada (Facebook messenger)
Emotional intelligence self-assessment
Emotional wellness guide
Emotional wellness toolkit
Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women
Financial wellness guide
Financial coaching toolkit
Financial toolkit
Fitness guide
Grief stories
Grief share
Health and wellness planning: a toolkit for First Nations
Health and wellness trends and how-to
Healthy eating guide
High blood pressure and diabetes
Homelessness 101
Homelessness help
Homelessness Learning Hub
How to Deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Vehicular Accident
Indigenous financial wellness in Canada
International domestic violence resource guide
Loss, grief and healing
Managing your money: tools and tips to help you meet your goals
Mental health continuum self-check
Mental health crisis survival kit
Mental health educational guides
Mental health first aid
Mental health first aid - self-care and resilience guide
Mental health meter
Mental health resources
Mental wellness and resilience toolkit
Mesothelioma Alternative Treatments (cancer caused by asbestos exposure)
MindShift® CBT App
Mind your mind tools
My grief
National domestic violence hotline
Obsessive-compulsive disorder - an information guide
Ontario Mental Health Private Facebook Group
Ontario Mental Health Resources (credit to Kaitlyn Boudreault)
Post-traumatic stress disorder
PTSD and car accidents
Reaching Home Coordinated Access Guide
Road to Recovery: How To Cope with PTSD After a Car Accident
Rural mental wellness toolkit
Schizophrenia - an information guide
Smoking and quitting: clean air for all
Social determinants of health
Spiritual health toolkit
Stress and anxiety guide
Steps to stress management
Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Talent Canada Magazine - Employee Wellness
TED Talk: 3 secrets of resilient people
TED Talk: how to make stress your friend
Tips for healthy eating
Tools for building financial well-being in First Nations Communities
Tools that support positive mental health
Track your wellness journey
Understanding mental health
- anxiety disorders
- children, youth, and depression
- depression and bipolar disorder
- eating disorders
- feeling angry
- getting help
- grieving
- mental health for life
- mental illnesses
- mental illnesses in the workplace
- myths about mental illness
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- phobias and panic disorders
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- postpartum depression
- preventing suicide
- schizophrenia
- stress
- supporting a loved one
- youth and self-injury
Veterans' guide to wellness kit
Ways to wellness toolkit
Wellness deck - tips for your wellbeing
Wellness toolkbox
What's your grief
Women, abuse and trauma therapy - an information guide
Workplace wellness toolkit
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