The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), aka tapping, is a holistic healing method that involves tapping on certain meridian points on the body while focusing on specific emotions or issues. It is a union of the principles of acupuncture and psychology with the intention of balancing the body's energy and lowering or eliminating emotional distress.
The intention of EFT is that by tapping on certain points, one can help release blocked energy and reduce negative emotions- or physical symptoms associated with various issues like stress, anxiety, pain, trauma, phobias, and so on.
The process usually involves identifying a specific issue or emotion, rating its intensity on a scale from 0-10, and then tapping on specific points on the body while verbalizing affirmations or acknowledging the problem. The tapping sequence typically includes points on the head, face, upper body, and hands. After several rounds of tapping, the scale is used to see whether the issue has lessened in intensity.
One of the advantages of this technique is that it can be done anywhere, anytime, once the sequence is mastered.
Though research on EFT is ongoing, some studies suggest that it may be effective in reducing anxiety, PTSD symptoms, and other emotional issues. People often find EFT to be a useful self-help tool for managing emotions and stress. It's essential to learn the technique properly from a certified EFT practitioner if you're considering using it to address specific concerns.
For a list of EFT practitioners in your area and more information, please see: EFT - Holistipedia
A more in-depth description can be found here: What is EFT tapping? Evidence and how-to guide (
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