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Let's Talk about Sex, Baby

written by Heather, Co-founder, Holistipedia

July 29, 2024

It's a funny thing: we want intimacy and connection with our partner, and sex is good on so many levels, but why do we have such a hard time talking about our needs and wants around this subject? Recently, my store did a pop up inside a sex shop. What an interesting journey! My staff and I were exposed to so many things we didn't have a clue about, and I thought: how liberating to discuss the many aspects of sex so openly!

Talking about sex and our needs can be challenging for several reasons, often rooted in cultural, psychological, and social factors. What we were taught as children follows us into adult life and can make acknowledging our needs 'dirty' or unnecessary except for procreation. But animals do it-and some of them do it primarily for pleasure: "Sex for a bonobo is somewhat like shaking hands. It's used as a greeting, a bonding experience and as a way to assert dominance. Copulation rates are higher in bonobos than in any other ape, yet reproductive sex seems to be on par with chimpanzees." More here: Bonobos' tolerant, peaceful group relationships paved way for human peacemaking — Harvard Gazette.

Sex is linked to many health benefits, from decreasing stress to improving cardiovascular function.

Let's end the stigma about sex and get to a happier, more relaxed way of living.

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