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World Meditation Day is May 21st!

written by Heather, Co-founder, Holistipedia

May 20, 2024

World Meditation Day is May 21st!

Why meditate? It is amazing how a simple practice can have such far-reaching effects on both mental and physical well-being - and it is accessible to almost anyone, anywhere, making it a versatile tool for improving overall quality of life in many ways.

Meditation is renowned for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and fostering a sense of calmness. For this reason, it can also reduce blood pressure and help your quality of sleep!

Meditation is all about training the mind to be more disciplined and resilient in the face of distractions. Not only does this calm us down and help remain in the present moment instead of worrying about the future or fussing about what happened yesterday, it also allows us to lengthen our attention span and be more focused.

The practice of meditation can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as India, China, and the Middle East. In the 20th and 21st centuries, meditation was popularized in the west, largely due to the efforts of teachers and practitioners who introduced Eastern meditation techniques to Western audiences.

There are many different ways to meditate - which is fortunate for those of us with a lot of inner chatter! My favourite practice is when I am in the forest walking my dogs. As I walk, I remind myself to listen to the bird song, smell the pine needles, see the vegetation, land contours and animals and the texture of bark on the trees to be in the present moment.

Other forms of meditation include Metta bhavana or loving kindness meditation. You can read about it here: Introduction to lovingkindness meditation - Wildmind.

Breathe awareness is another practice that keeps you in the present moment by focusing on the in and out breath. Transcendental meditation is a specific form of mantra meditation that was introduced to the world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the mid - 20th century. A mantra is a word repeated silently which, again, keeps you in the present moment.

Remember, meditation is a practice, so the more you incorporate it into your daily life, the greater the benefits you will receive.

For more tips, please visit: World Meditation Day - May 21, 2024.

And consult the Holistipedia directory to find practitioners who can help you on your journey: Meditation - Holistipedia

For a list of resources, please see: Resources - Holistipedia.

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