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What is emotional wellness?

June 22, 2023

The third pillar, or dimension of wellness, is that of emotion: emotional awareness, acceptance and expression which are vital aspects of our overall well-being and the way we interact with others. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • Emotional awareness starts with being able to recognize and identify the emotions we are feeling. This involves being aware of the physical sensations, thoughts, and behaviors associated with different emotional states. For example, recognizing that we are feeling joy might be accompanied by a sense of happiness, a smile on our face, and positive thoughts. Once we recognize them, we have the ability to start to understand our emotions and seeing underlying thoughts, beliefs, values, and past experiences that contribute to our emotional responses/triggers.
  • Emotional acceptance: once we are aware of our emotions, it's crucial to accept them without judgment. Emotional acceptance means allowing ourselves to experience and feel our emotions fully, even if they are uncomfortable or unpleasant. It involves recognizing that all emotions are valid and serve a purpose, and that it is natural to experience a range of emotions in different situations.
  • Emotional expression: the key to emotional being is the ability to express these feelings in a healthy and appropriate manner. This involves finding ways to communicate our feelings effectively, whether through verbal or non-verbal means. By expressing our emotions, we can share our experiences, needs, and concerns with others, fostering understanding and building stronger connections.
  • Understanding the feelings of others: putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and understanding their emotions from their perspective allows us to offer support, validate their experiences, and build stronger relationships based on empathy and compassion.

Developing emotional awareness, acceptance, and expression takes practice and self-reflection. Some ways we can get do this is by getting in touch with our inner selves through the practices of, for example, journaling, mindfulness exercises, and seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals. Cultivating emotional intelligence can lead to better self-understanding, improved relationships, and enhanced overall emotional well-being!