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What is Ayurvedic medicine?

written by Heather, Co-founder, Holistipedia

December 18, 2023

Ayurvedic medicine is an East Indian healing system which has been used for thousands of years. It focuses on the balance between the mind, body, and spirit to promote overall wellness and prevent illness. This holistic healing system presumes that every person has a unique combination of energies (doshas) that indicate what makes up their physical and mental characteristics. These doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If you are interested in finding out your ayurvedic type, there is a free quiz here: Dosha Quiz - Chopra

I took the test and am a combination Vata Pitta. This confirms what I consider my constitution to be: lots of energy, a need to balance stress and so on. So for me, taking herbs like ashwaganda help me to find more calm in my day. Ashwaganda is an adaptogenic herb, which means that it helps one bring balance to life's challenges. I should also meditate and do more yoga, admittedly!

Using the dosha typology, a person can tailor their diet, remedies and overall lifestyle to obtain better health. Ayurveda also uses yoga and meditation practices to balance the mind and body and help individuals cope with daily stressers. It also incorporates massage and detox practices to help cleanse the body.

Like other holistic practices, Ayurveda targets the root cause of illness rather than just addressing the systems of disease in the body. It can help with digestive issues, for example, muscle and joint pain, and anxiety.

It is important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner because treatments and recommendations are personalized based on individual constitution and needs, and possible herb/drug interactions.

Click here to learn more: Ayurveda - Holistipedia