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What is aromatherapy?

October 23, 2023

What is aromatherapy? We're glad you asked! This holistic healing practice uses volatile plant extracts (aka essential oils) to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. These essential oils can come from many parts of a plant: leaves, flowers, stems, bark, peel or roots, depending on the plant. Aromatherapy is often used as a complementary or alternative therapy alongside conventional medical treatments*

Because essential oils are concentrated plant essences, they must be used diluted on the skin, and care must be taken around pets.

There are many ways essential oils can be used. One of the most common methods is through inhalation. An aromatherapy diffuser, steam inhalation in water or on a cotton ball are effective ways to deliver the plant medicine to the body. The reason scent is so evocative, and can change our moods, is because is goes directly to the brain through the olfactory system to the limbic part of the brain. The limbic system is closely associated with emotions, memories, and mood regulation. Aromatherapists often use oils in their massages, as some oils can help muscle tension and pain or specific skin conditions. Bathing with diluted essential oils (in a carrier oil like almond or sunflower oil) can help ease stresses of the day away, so it a lovely ritual to include in your pre-bedtime routine.

In summary, aromatherapy is often used to promote relaxation, reduce stress, improve sleep, alleviate pain, and enhance one's overall sense of well-being. Different essential oils are believed to have different properties and effects, and they are chosen based on the desired outcome. For example, lavender essential oil is commonly used for relaxation and sleep, while eucalyptus essential oil is used for respiratory issues.

If you're interested in using aromatherapy for a specific health concern, it's a good idea to consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional. Also *please check with your health care professional if you are on medication because there can be some conditions where the drugs and plants cannot be used together.